Women Who Code Delhi Mentorship Program 4.0 — Week 1

Amisha kumari
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


“If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before.” — J Loren Norris

Hola techies! 👋

I am gonna share my experience of week 1 of this mentorship program.I found this program through random search and applied for the same, but I am not sure if I will be selected because I am not from a good college ,also I am from Jamshedpur where there is no good college/university for engineering, but I thought “why should’nt me?” and just applied.

On 3rd Feb, I got the selection mail as a mentee for mentorship program 4.0, I was ecstatic and felt lucky to be among the 60 selected candidates this year out of 2000+ applications.And I was very happy to be a part of this community and guided by some reputed women’s in the tech.

On the first session ,We all women got the chance to interact with Manika Jain who was the host for the session. She explained us about the whole 5 week program and she was also a previous mentee at women who code delhi and now mentoring other womens.After,the session everyone have to connect with their mentors.

My mentor Dhriti Arora is an amazing person, she is super friendly and really supportive.As,I am very much fascinated by Atibhi Agarwal and my mentor is already a past mentee under her,that’s more amazing for me and excited me to join this.She already got internship opportunities from big techs like Amazon and Wells Fargo.

As I was very excited for the first week I asked her many questions , and she is my first mentor as never have any mentors before her in my college also.She answered all my doubts whatever I asked her.😅

In the end, we discussed the tasks for the week i.e. to search about the various opportunities for women undergraduates related to open-source, scholarships, and hiring programs.

Some of the amazing Scholarships , opportunities:

Google Codejam io for Women

Google STEP Internship

Girlscript Summer of Code

Google Summer of Code


DE Shaw Ascend

Tech Women at Intuit

HackerRamp: WeForShe

Society of Women Engineers India

Twitter DevelopHER

LinkedIn Wintathon

Adobe Codiva

Visa Code Your Way

Microsoft Engage (previously Codess)

Uber She++

Flipkart Girls Wanna Code

LinkedIn CoachIn Program

Alexa Student Influencers

WomenTechmakers Ambassador

Google Developer Student Clubs

Microsoft Student Learn Ambassadors Program

MLH Fellowship

Github Campus Expert

From my Expereince you can take a example of just apply don’t think about the result atleast give a try to anything which will help you to grow.It’s ok to be rejected.As we should always remember If we don’t apply we never get a chance to be select.

Last but not least I hope this blog helped you. In case you’d like to connect here’s LinkedIn profile.

Happy Learning! 🚀



Amisha kumari

Hola,sharing the things which help others to find easily in tech.